Face Hiding Tool

Face Hiding Tool - Choose your preferred method to hide faces in photos - blur, pixelate, or solid color. Perfect for protecting privacy in social media posts, documentation, or any content where faces need to be concealed. Simple to use with professional results. Created by Sarah.

Original Image ?

How to use:

  1. Upload your image
  2. Select your preferred hiding method
  3. Click and drag on faces to hide them
  4. Adjust the effect intensity if needed
  5. Use undo or clear all if needed

Hiding Options

Light Strong


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Frequently Asked Questions

Which hiding method should I use?

Blur is most natural looking, pixelation provides a good balance, and color fill ensures complete coverage. Choose based on your privacy needs.

Can the hiding effect be reversed?

No, once you download the processed image, the face hiding effect is permanent and cannot be reversed.

What's the recommended intensity for privacy?

For blur, use at least 20. For pixelation, 12 or higher. Color fill provides complete coverage regardless of settings.