Convert Vertical to Horizontal Image
Convert Vertical to Horizontal Image - Transform your vertical (portrait) images into horizontal (landscape) format with intelligent resizing. Perfect for desktop wallpapers, banner images, or widescreen displays. Smart cropping ensures the most important parts of your image are preserved. Created by Sarah.
Original Image ?
Horizontal Image
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Frequently Asked Questions
What's the difference between conversion methods?
Smart Crop preserves the center area, Stretch to Fit extends the image (may distort), and Fill and Crop maintains proportions but crops edges.
How does the focus point work?
The focus point slider lets you choose which part of the image to preserve when converting. Move it up or down to adjust the center point of the conversion.
Will I lose image quality?
Smart Crop and Fill methods maintain image quality, while Stretch might affect the image appearance. The original resolution is preserved in all methods.